tirsdag den 30. november 2010
(danish entry this time)
。∠(* ̄  ̄)〃∇〃)η .。.:*・゚Merry X'mas:*・゚。:.*
Så er julen endelig kommet og er det ikke bare hyggeligt?
Jeg er selv en af dem der virkelig elsker julen!
Musikken, de søde sager, familie hyggen, vennerne og den gode mad frem for alt. Man er virkelig nået langt fra da man var barn, hvor du næsten var ved at dø af over entusiasme, og spænding over hvad de farvestrålende pakker under træet gemmer til en. Og det værste var jo når man fik en blød pakke, øv øv øv, kedeligt tøj, haha ( ´∀`)
Det er noget anderledes nu.
Jeg glæder mig ikke så meget til det med gaverne som jeg glæder mig til det med hyggen og den gode mad. Jeg elsker seriøst dansk julemad, det er måske fedt, men gud det smager godt. Skal endelig holde jul med min kæreste for første gang nogen sinde. Hvorfor først nu? Efter 6 års forhold? Fordi jeg havde dårlig samvittighed. Mine forældre blev jo skilt og jeg ville sikre mig jeg holdte jul lige mange gange ved hver, så at ingen af dem følte sig snydt. Så det at jeg endelig kan holde jul med Hr. Dejligsen er bare skønt! (*´w`*)
Glæder mig som en gal selvom det bliver et lille selskab. Vi bliver kun mig, hans mor og ham, men det skal nok ende med at blive hyggeligt, der ender nok med at være en åndssvag mængde mad! De spiser altid and juleaften, og jeg spiser flæskesteg fordi det er bare sådan vores familie er, så der ender jo med at være en del rester. Men det bliver hyggeligt, skal endelig have mit eget juletræ for første gang siden jeg flyttede ud! Min mor var så sød at donere en julestjerne til vores træ og lidt pynt. Skal selv ud og finde noget mere i nogle butikker, så en pynteæske i Harald Nyborg med 75 til få penge, og træet kan jeg vist få for 150,- så det er jo ganske fint :D
Det eneste jeg mangler er en juletræsfod, men der regner jeg med at vi kan låne den som svigermor har, håber jeg da, haha O(≧∇≦)O
Men glæder mig også til på fredag her. Der skal jeg nemlig ud til min mor og julebage med hende og min lillesøster Jeannette! Bliver så hyggeligt. Kunne desværre ikke være med her den 20 november hvor mine to søskende og min halvsøster sad hos min mor og lavede juledekorationer. Var desværre et andet sted på den dag, men min mor gør op for det ved at lave en jule bage dag med mig \(^▽^)/
Vi skal nok lave alle de klassiske småkager, vaniljekranse, chokolade specier, finskbrød og jødekager, nom nom nom! (^~^)
Ydermere har vi gudskelov fundet ud af hvor vi skal være til nytår, regner med det bliver hos min moster i år, sammen med min mor, papfar, kæreste, onkel og min fætter! Skal hjælpe med at lave kransekage konfekt. Skal endda også lave min lille fætters fødselsdags kage her til når han fylder 9 år. Det skal være en banankage med chokolade stykker og chokolade creme i midten med bananstykker, nom nom ( ^^)
Regner med den bliver i hvid med limegrøn og mørkeblå, det var nemlig selv det han bad om. Jah der sker rigtig meget lige her i december og jeg undskylder for min mangel på opdateringer her. Men en lille ting jeg vil fortælle om, var ude og besøge Sascha og Kenny her i lørdags hvor vi sad og så film med dem, Sascha havde nemlig ikke set Prinsessen og Frøen så den tog vi med. Vi skulle også lave en cheesecake sammen, men opskriften var total underlig. 100 gr bund til 600 gr fyld? WTF? Vi endte med at få fyld med kiks i, haha ガ━━Σ(゚Д゚|||)━━ン!!
Og maden vi fik var SÅ lækker. Lynstegte grøntsager med kastanjer, kylling stykker og ris med kokosmælk, smage ondt godt! Men fik virkelig en overraskelse da jeg ankom, både Kenny og Sascha havde en gave til mig, hvilket jeg SLET ikke havde regnet med, ahah så fik BlazBlue af dem i gave, limited edition til min PS 3! Selve kassen var pænt ramponeret men indholdet var i mint condition. Mange tak Sascha og Kenny, det var så sødt gjort af jer, vidste slet ikke hvad jeg skulle sige (*^^*)ノ
(^ _ ^)/~~サヨナラ
fredag den 26. november 2010
Today is my birthday, wow I can't believe I’m already, so hard to believe mostly because I, personally, still fell like a 16 year old girl. And I’ve gotten a lot of comments from my classmates who have a hard time believing me to turn because I look so damn… childish. But yes, today on the 26th of November I am all of a sudden 24 years old. It seriously feel like yesterday I was a teenager who didn’t really had that much to care for in her life and now I’m all grown up, living in my own apartment with my hubby and I’ll be finishing my education soon, I hope. But it’s such a beautiful day! It’s snowing here in Denmark and it’s been snowing for a week. I haven’t experienced a snowy birthday since I was a child so this is truly pure gold for me. When I woke up today I got my present from my hubby which turned out to be a Playstation 3, omg! My hubby told me that he, a couple of my friends and some from my family joined in together and bought the console for me plus a game. I was ever so happy when i opened the gift. And when I get home today from school my mom and stepdad will visit us and later on I, my hubby and his mom will go out to eat. It’s going to be such a great day. Thanks to all who has celebrated me so far, it really means a lot to me ♥
onsdag den 17. november 2010
Back again!
( ´ ▽ ` )ノ タダイマァ
So I'm finally back from J-popcon. It was simply the best weekend in a long time but it was only because I had to see many good friends and enjoy myself with everyone I know. We arrived Friday at 17:23 at Copenhagen train station and went directly to the convention, where we met with our friends and looked around to get an idea of where everything was located. I was a participant at the J-fashion fashion show this year so I needed to know where I had to meet with the rest of the girls, to get all dressed up and ready. I was so nervous because I've never tried being model before. It was quite an experience and we ended up with 32 models who showed their finest lolita clothes (we had EGL, Gothic, Sweet, bitter/sweet and even two gangster lolis) clothes. The hall that could hold up to 1000 people was almost completely filled up! O(≧∇≦)O
But the j-pop organizer messed up. They had forgotten to put up something that could conceal us so that people could not see our outfits. So we had to sit in a circle and a try to disrupt the view, so the audience couldn’t see us until we had to enter the stage. I was number 3 in the line and it was not as bad as I had predicted it to be. The spotlight shaded the audience out, and it eased my nervousness. It went smoothly and we got much applause for our fashion show. But poor Sascha was so stressed out because organizers couldn’t manage a damn thing. They hadn’t fixed the sound, light, stage or anything so Sascha had to manage pretty much everything herself, but it doesn’t surprise me. You can always count on something to go wrong every year during J-popcon.
But when the show was over we walked around and enjoyed ourselves. I had invited a friend with us to J-pop so we could enjoy ourselves and have a great time together. She had had a disastrous J-pop last year where one of her "friends" had left her in Copenhagen in order to catch an earlier train without telling her about it, so I really tried to make this a great experience for her sp that she would want to attend j-pop again. As we were getting pretty tired and hungry, we went out to look for something to eat and our hotel. Unfortunately we had to eat McDonald's burgers that night (yuck!) because everything else was closed, but our hotel was thankfully only a 5 minutes walk from where convention was but it was located on a street called Cohlbjørnsesn gade and near Istegade, these are streets where there are a lot of drug dealers, drug users and prostitutes so I was a little uncertain about it all. But thanks to my hubby and my good friend I felt safe. ☆ミ(o*・ω・)ノ
On Saturday I jumped into my Kaito cosplay. I must say (seriously im not trying to be a pompous bitch here) but my Kaito cosplay was clearly the best there was during the entire convention. I had the shoes and dyed my eyebrows blue and even blue fingernails, but lacked, however, to get a hold of his headset. There were many super nice cosplays to look at and some of them were also quite…ehmm fail since they used shiny fabric to make their cosplays and such, it is a shame when they do it because it makes their costumes look cheap and unprofessional. Use shiny fabric when the cosplay CALLS for it! But it was also during Saturday that there was a cosplay show. I didn’t attend it either as participant or as part of de audience since I think cosplay shows are boring an. But this year it was totally weird! There were so many who were doing .... uh interpretive dances which I couldn’t quite understand, what the hell was THAT about? All the acts where so boring that I and a friend of mine could hardly sit through the last couple of acts. The cosplays where great, don’t get me wrong, but the show was a drag. Me and my friend went into the dealer room to have a look at what they were selling this year (we exploited that people where so busy within the show) and I must say there were a lot of REALLY great stuff but the candy part was disappointing. ( ̄へ ̄)
They only sold Pocky and some chips. I love Pocky and can easily eat a couple of packages during a day but I was seriously hoping for a wider candy aspect than Pocky and chips. I hoped for some Hi-chew, Ramune and so but alas there was none. And ofcourse there was the yearly “yaoi paddleboard” seller. Yeah… You know so all the yaoi fan girls have something to play with? Fan girls who calls two boys kissing for Yaoi, lol fail much? But I got to buy some neat stuff. I bought for $125 (600 and something kr) worth of Copic Markers, three key hangers (Chopper in a bathrobe, Grell and Luka) and three new books for my “How To Draw Manga” library at home and two posters, one of Squall and Rinoa and one of Miku from Vocaloid. My hubby didn’t attend all the dealer room running since he was busy watching the Danish Championship in Street Figther (can’t remember what number it was) and the winner got the bragging rights and $550 (3000 kr) we saw a few minutes of it before heading towards the dealer room. There was also The Artist Alley which you were able to visit the whole weekend but Satureday was especially special for me. A Danish comic drawer (not hugely famous) came to sign and sell her original drawings; I myself am a huge fan of her comics (Scandinavia and the world) and I got the chance to get a drawing from here and an autograph! Plus I bought a drawing from the lovely Anna but I wasn’t able to get it before I had to go home during Sunday, so she’ll be sending the drawing to me through the mail and I am ever so excited to receive it. (*´∇`*) ~ ♥
Later on after the cosplay show my hubby, I and three friends went to get something to eat. It was quite let a night almost half past 11 and I was surprised to see that there was actually a pizza place (with a pizza buffet) that was open 24/7. So we went in to eat. The food was really good and after we ate we had to go back to the hotel. When we got back we were really tired so we sat down and watched some One Piece. I managed to see one episode before falling asleep, resting on my BF’s back, haha. But my friend couldn’t sleep so she stayed up until 4 in the morning. I’m one of those people who can’t stay up past 12 before falling asleep on the spot. Sunday morning we went back to the con to see what was going in, be got there 45 minutes before the dealer roomed opened because we wanted to see if there was anything on sale during the last day there were a couple of things but not much. And the entire con was really lame during Sunday since that is the day where most people go home. At 12 we went home towards Aalborg again. We arrived at 6 in the evening so we were really tired and I had to attend school the day after. But all in all It was a freaking awesome weekend and thanks to all the sweet and lovely people who supported me and talked to me the whole weekend! Hope to see you again next year (ヾ(´・ω・`) *wave*
fredag den 12. november 2010
Day 5
what the hell happened to day 4?
Well day 4 is about me posting a picture I took but I don't take pictures so I won't be able to post any, sorry guys.
But day 5 is about a website I use daily.
And what website/blog might that be? Well it's a Danish site and I visit it pretty much every day and several times a day and it’s all about j-fashion (Japanse street fashion) and here it is <-- link. It’s a Danish website where we Danes who are interested in the Japanese street fashions and in general the Japanese pop culture. Some may say that it’s not as good as many of those fancy sites like EGL_community but it’s really great and very informative. So if you are a dane and you would like to get into the different Japanese street fashions join the site :D
I really like the site and the admins in there are so supportive and very friendly, plus you'll also find a lot of very nice and supportive people in there.
AND! I am leaving for J-popcon today! Yes today is finally the day and I am ever so happy. See you late sunday peeps ;D
onsdag den 10. november 2010
What did you do today?
Today our teacher made us make a lot of small classic cakes.
We made Tosca cakes, Mozart buns, Nut horns, Napoleons hat, højris (don't know how to translate it without making it sound really weird) and small layer cakes. I will say that i HATE working with pastry where there is marzipan in. It's so sticky and hard to work with! But there was a LOT of free samples today we could munch on, yum :D
I got a B for all of my cakes and I must admit I was really surprised he gave me that grade. I myself thought my cakes was horrible XDDD
It was a really stressful day! we have two-3 boilers with melted chocolate in them, but only one was useable so we where 20 people around ONE bowl of hot melted chocolate and let me just say that 90% of the cakes where either fully or partially covered in chocolate! And we only had like 4*45 minutes to make it all! Not only that a guy chose to show up after the 4 baking lessons we had because he thought we were going to have lessons afterwards. He didn't get the sms during Monday where we were told that the last to lessons today was to be moved to Monday instead.
And his excuse for showing up so late? "I was sleeping". I was sleeping? DUDE do you WANT to become a baker or are you just here for the money? I got really angry with him mostly because almost everyone on the class shows up 5-30 minutes after class has started. I and two others normally arrived at the school 25 minutes before class starts, no we are not teacher’s pet we just need the time to dress up in our working clothes. And for me that means taking an earlier bus so that I arrive ready and dressed 25 before class start. When people just keep meeting whenever they want it seriously gives our class a bad name! I get really angry when they do so, or when one of my classmates always screw things up. He never listens to what the teachers says and just copy what we do… monkey see monkey do syndrome.
But at least there are some of us who actually WANT to do this and become a professional baker. But I won’t let it anger me all the time. Oh yeah! There’s only TWO days left until J-pop con! OMG! I can’t wait for it :D I’m ready for the J-fashion fashion show and my cosplay wig is all styled and ready to be used. I won’t be able to blog that weekend since I’ll be in Copenhagen that day so please bear with me.
tirsdag den 9. november 2010
why did you choose the name you did for your blog?
well the name Popze dates back from when I was a teenager.
Me and some of my

We found a name generator on the net which could generate Ent, Elf, Dwarf and Hobbit names. I've always fancied the little people in fantasy and rpg settings so ofcourse I chose to be a hobbit and my name tunred out to be Poppy Underhill. Adorable little name <3
We it later yous got cut down to Popze by my friends and suddenly it became my new nickname. And that is why my blogname is Popze. I still use it this day but I've gotten some new nicks over the past years such as; Timmeh (like the dude from South park, yes XD) Tuna (yeah a friend of mine calls me tuna) Mommy Yokomo (from when I was an admin at an rpg board) Hunny Bunny (what mah hubbe calls me) Mulle (yeah it's my danish petname in my family) and munchie (from the same girl who calls me Tuna XD) yeah those are my nicks for now haha :D Awefully weird names some of them, but I like them :)
But all in all I like my nick. It's a part of me and how my old friends know me and it's also a memory from when I was a teenager, a good memory with my good friends back then :)
Tomorrow I'll be writing about what I did that day? lol okay, well if it works it works haha
NOW FABLE III (got the collectors edition as a early B'day gift rom my Hubbe <3>
Bai bai gaiz!
mandag den 8. november 2010

Okay so starting today and up until day 30 I'll be completing this 30 day blog challenge just to have somthing to write about. I've been so damn slow lately in updating my blog, haha XD
Day 1, A picture of you recently and 5 random fact about you.
1 I HATE needles! I really want to get a tatoo, but I'm too scared of needles to get one XD
2 I draw yiff, yes I do and damn proud of it :D
3 I pretty much take a nap every day and I still manage to sleep at night.
4 Still have all my plushies from when I was a kid.
5 Was terrified of thunder when I was a child. I would get so scared that I would throw up and become sick from it. And funny enough I'm not scared anymore :)
And now the picture of me.
Be prepared for utter uglyness XDDD
Tomorrow I'll blog about blog my opinion about my blogname. uuuuh!
