torsdag den 28. oktober 2010

Status quo.

Sorry guys but this vil be in danish since I have a LOT to write about this time.

Jah der er nået og ske meget på den tid jeg har gået på skolen og en ting er sikkert, tingene er virkelig begyndt at skride frem og jeg er super stolt af mig selv, og min indsats på skolen. Men ikke kun det, vores lære er virkelig begyndt at lære os vanskelige ting. Sidste gangs skulle vi f. eks lave fletbrød, 4-5 og 6 flet som hurtigt viste sig at være okay nemt. 5 flet var klart den sværeste flettemetode, men gud hvor blev vores brød dog flotte! Man skulle pensle dem 3 gange så de fik en utrolig flot shine. Fik 4 og 4 da vi både skulle lave store flet brød og små kuvertbrød. Det er jeg sådan set rimelig stolt af dels fordi jeg er så dårlig til at arbejde med brøddej. Kagedej er meget nemmere for mig at arbejde med. Nu hvor vi snakker om kage dej, så skulle vi lave dansk wiener brød i går, igen hahah :)

Det gik faktisk meget godt og vi skulle lave en del ting med wiener dejen, men det hele startede virkelig kaotisk. Om morgen får vi og vide at vi ikke havde mere margarine, fordi vores leverandøre hade været der for at aflevere varerne klokken 6, men skolen åbner altså først dørene klokken 7, så de var kørt igen for at lever deres vare et andet sted. Det var rimelig irriterende, dels fordi vi sad det første lange stykke tid og bare gloede ud i luften fordi vi intet havde og lave. Men vores lære var hurtigt til at vende situationen. Han fik fat i nogle opskrifter på fuccasia pizza boller som vi skulle lave op og indtil margarinen ankom. Det smagte som sådan okay, men de kunne seriøst godt have brugt mere ost. Men vi fik endelig vores margarine, fordi en lære på skolen (kaldet "Islændingen") var så sød at hente nogle til os fordi vi virkelig have brug for dem. Vi kom endelig i gang og skulle lave utrolig mange ting. Vi skulle lave: En smørkrans, en smørstang, en julestjerne, en julekage, en Dagmar tærte og en kringle.

Det gik faktisk ganske godt denne gang. Jeg formåede at skaffe mig hele 10-taller på en dag for 3 forskellige ting! Jag vi er begyndt at få karakterer for vores kager nu, fordi det giver os et godt drive til at kunne få lavet gode ting. Jeg ved ikke om vi er de bedste af de to grundforløbshold, men jeg har tit fået og vide fra vores lære, at vi SKAL være de bedste, haha! Det er ret komisk fordi sidste gang lavede vi nogle af de flotteste kager af grundforløbsholdene. Men der er sket rigtig meget. Fik lavet min eventyr bog og tophat med H.C Andersen, som virkelig fik ros, folk turde stort set ikke skære i kagen for at spise den, så den ene af vores bagerlærer, Helle, måtte skære den for folk.

Desuden har min kæreste og jeg haft 6 års dag (havde vi her den 10 september) 6 år har vi været sammen, og det har været 6 skønne år. Vi har ligesom så mange andre par haft både op og ned ture, men vi har altid formået at komme igennem selv de værste situationer. Jeg er abnormt stolt af at have været sammen med ham så længe, fordi han er den første og eneste kæreste jeg i mit liv har haft! Det samme gælder for ham også. Det har virkelig været en skøn tid vi har haft sammen, og det er vidunderligt at vi har så meget tilfælles. Da årsdagen kom inviterede jeg ham ud og spise på en ægte italiensk restaurant her i Aalborg, kaldet Felini. Den er simpelthen for skøn! Det er et lille intimt sted med få borde og stole, maden er sublim og stemningen er bare så hyggelig. De spiller italiensk musik i radioen og alle tjenerne snakker italiensk med hinanden, super hyggeligt og jeg kan VARMT anbefale det, skal man da ud og spise i Aalborg. Min kæreste fik en bog han havde ønsket sig længe "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" af Hunter .S. Thompson. Han var ovenud lykkelig da han fik den. Har kun set filmen, men ikke læst bogen og jeg syntes filmen er super fed. Johnny Depp der spiller Gonzo journalisten, Hunter Thompson, som er total dopes up på narko. Seriøst fed film!

Her den kommende søndag skal vi holde en kombineret Halloween/indflytterfest hvor der kommer nogle få venner for at hygge. Vi har planer om at se Nightmare Befor Christmas og jeg skal sørge for at lave noget lækkert essen. Halloween cupcakes og sandwiches. Glæder mig en del, ved seriøst ikke hvad folk kommer som til festen, men håber da der kommer nogle enkelte som er i udklædning,da jeg selv skal have kostume på. Har endda købt en masse pynt ind til festen og glæder mig til at folk endelig skal se vore lejlighed, efter vi har fået lamper, reoler og hylder op. Desuden har jeg endelig modtaget min Qutieland kjole, den er super skøn og total MMM like!

fredag den 22. oktober 2010


So autumn is finally here in Denmark. It’s cold, it’s wet and it’s windy! This is a typical autumn for Denmark and I must say I hate autumn when it’s like this! But it’s because the wind is really cold. That kind of cold that seems to be stuck in your bones and refuses to leave your body, even thou you are inside a warm room, snuggled up in a warm blanket. Brrr! Hate it. But I do love all the lovely colors all around us when autumn is here. Yellow, red, orange, brown, golden! Autumn is just filled with so many great colors which should inspire people and make them happy. Sadly enough I know a lot of people who gets a winter depression during winter, and it’s not because I’m insensitive, but I just can’t see WHY people get oh so sad and down while winter is upon us? There are so many great things during winter and autumn! I love to snuggle up in my warm duvet, with a nice cup of hot cocoa whilst looking out of the window, seeing the rain and wind outside making utter chaos. Then it’s nice to sit inside a warm and secure home, knowing you don’t have to be out there. Or when in winter you come home to a hot cup of tea and newly baked buns! These are a few joys you only get during the winter months so why be sp depressed? Sure it gets darker, colder and wetter, but hey! It’s just a face and great stuff will come! Christmas is soon here and then new year. So as you can see from what I write I love the winter months and I won’t let myself be beaten by chill winds and dark mornings! Why should I? I have better things to do than to sit around in my apartment, feel sorry for myself and feel like everything is horrid and against me. I myself have had not only one, but three in my family who had a depression back when I was a teenager. My mom, dad and sister had a depression due to various reasons and the only ones who stood without a depression was me and my youngest sister. It was tough being caught between two parents and a sister who would get rather vehement emotional outbreaks out of nowhere! So I promised myself never to give a depression just ONE chance to get me. I know it is impossible but I try. And that is why I won’t be all sad and soggy when it gets colder and darker. But all in all I am one of those who like winter because for me it’s… “Hyggeligt” and Danish word that you can’t translate to English. It reminds a lot like cozy, but it’s not the same. Hygge is something special that us Danes truly love and care for. It’s something really special and something we in Denmark have a lot of during winter. Now that we are talking about winter, I can’t wait for November! There’s so much stuff going on that month. I am going to the Danish J-pop convention, I’ll be celebrating my 24th birthday and there’s a meet-up with the girls form one of the Lolita circles here in DK (short for Denmark)! This year I’ll be going as Kaito from Vocaloid. I might be joining in on the Lolita fashion show and show off my AP dress and I’ll bring my kigurumi, mostly because I don’t want to bring my Yuna (the FF X version) this year. But I can’t wait! I’ll be going with my BF and a very good friend of mine. This is going to be so awesome! But right after my birthday (actually the day after) we will be celebrating Thanksgiving! We don’t do it the same way as Americans do and don’t celebrate is for the same reasons. We just have the party because that is the day when the Thanksgiving football game is! So yes I don’t see a reason to why I should be depressed with so many great upcoming events.

So what are your plans for the upcoming months?

fredag den 15. oktober 2010


( ^_^)/ やぁ!

How many of you remember the time when you where kids were you had your very first BFF? I do and her name was Sonja. But due to a stupid episode as pre-teens we went each our own ways. Later on I became BFF with a girl named Kirsten, her sister was in the same class as I and we quickly clicked together. She liked all the same things as I did. Anime, computer games, crafts and cartoons, this was truly a happy period for me and it was also a period where I felt alone and forgotten. I was a teenager and god bullied in school, but thanks to Kirsten I didn’t feel quite alone in a unforgiving world of popularity and backstabbing. She was perhaps one of my best friends back then and we did a lot of stuff together. Went cycling in the forest in our town, watched a lot of movies, had several sleepovers, made our own films with Barbie dolls, yeah this was a great time for me. But again due to some problems we went our separate ways. I was told by a friend that Kirsten saw me as a friend but also as a rival, or that is at least what she got the feeling of, because every time I tried to give her some constructive criticism (Well at least I believed it was) she would get mad, or upset and at the very end it just got too much for me. Then came Carina. One of those girls who got bullied, just like me. We had almost a sisterhood together and she was a girl who you just couldn’t get mad at. She was sweet and a very good friend. Our friendship didn’t end because of an argument but simply because we grew apart from each other. A lot of it was because she was going to high school and I was going to Tech College. But at least we both agreed on ending our friendship on good grounds. But the reason to why I make this post is to thank those girls who has been my BFF’s when I was a child and a teenager, for better or worst those girls friendship made me that woman I am today. But there is a special girl whom I would like to thank. Her name is Ekatarina Gusarova and she is perhaps the best friend a girl will ever get! I love her dearly. We met at a meet-up in a Danish city called Aarhus where we just clicked like that! But not in the same was as me and Kirsten did, no this was different, she was practically me… Just Russian, longhaired and had brown eyes, but she was indeed just like me. Just as crazy and fun loving like a little puppy and as sweet and mild like a kitten! I know this sounds so weird they way I am describing her, but she is just the best friend I’ve ever had. She is that kind of girl where you can talk to her about everything and no matter how tough he shit gets, she is always there for those she like and love. I don’t know how many hours I can spend talking with her about drawing techniques, anime, political stuff, religion, and psychology (we both loved that in school) She is a girl from whom I have learned a lot about drawing and she is perhaps the funniest and the most crazy girl you’ll ever find. Not only that, she an amazing writer and PR’er (role player). We have a dream of going to Russia together, I would love to see her motherland and hear about how she experienced Russia when she lived there and visit her babushka. We both had a vision of us both going to The Animation Workshop (in Viborg) to become cartoon animators and make wonderful cartoons like on the good old days. But sadly enough she moved to Germany (although for another two months she is living in Viborg) and I moved to Aalborg to become a pastry chef. I miss her so much! And every time we talk together we always have a lot of interesting things to talk about! And sadly enough she hasn’t be able to visit us in our new apartment, although she only lives about 1½ away with train. I hope to see her again soon and laugh with her.
check out her maaaaad drawing skills at Apocalyptic Beagle

torsdag den 7. oktober 2010

Finally manage to complete an anime!


Today is really a great day. I’ve manage to deliver my project for my teacher, got over 8000Kr back for my deposit (we paid 12.000) I got a lift home by my aunt and, I manage to write me a job application for a confectioner's shop I would like to work for AND I have small vacation new. Today couldn’t possibly become any better. SO when I got home from school I sat down and saw another episode of “Yumeiro Patissiere” which also showed to be the last on! Can’t believe I’ve already seen 50 episodes of that anime! “Yumeiro Patissiere” Is about the clumsy 14 year old Ichigo Amano who wants to become a pastry chef like her grandmother and her dream is slowly fulfilling as she enters St. Mary Academy culinary school where she meets the “Sweet princes” and some “sweet spirits”.

I would first like to say that it is truly a girly girly anime with the huge sparkly eyes and so on, and during the start you would actually believe that it’s going to end up like a classic harem anime, but funny enough it doesn’t which is a BIG plus in my book. But luckily enough a season two has now launched called “Yumeiro Patissiere Professional” yeaaah… not exactly the most creative title but hey if it works, it works. So why do I like this serie? Because it’s about making sweets and desserts which is what I would love to do when I become a pastry chef. The anime has given me so much inspiration and thought on how to make new taste complement each other and how to arrange the cakes. If you like girly-girly-sparkly-warkly anime than this is really one for you. At least see it because of all the wonderful desserts and cakes, even though it’s just an anime they look SO yummy! (´*) Although i must admit there is a huge difference between the into I season 1 and in season two. Season 1 is more cute and lovely whilst season 2 couldn’t make me stop thinking about Lady GaGa when I heard the music and saw the video.

And as a final note I would like to thank Zarsu for this wonderful new template she made for me! It’s supposed to be a mix of steampunk and classic loli since those are some of my favorite stiles in this world. If I could I would build up my entire life around steampunk and classic loli. So thanks Zarsu for this great design!

Sorry for this rather short entry I didn't really have enything to say today. Bear with me. m(_ _)m ゴメンナサイ