By a coincidence I actually saw this movie in a movie/game store called Stereo Stundiet (Stereo Studio) while I was in a one of the malls just to look around. I was surprised it only cost 50 kr ($8,28) since I remembered seeing and add for this at the start of this year or so. I decided to buy it since I am a sucker for fairytales and fantasy. I brought it home and asked my BF to join in on watching this movie. At first the movie doesn’t really stand out and you would probably never have seen it if you weren’t looking for it. I was able to choose between English, Danish and Norwegian as the talked language trough the film. The film opens with a ship sailing into the kingdom of Dor, known for its 'Royal Soup Day.', a rat, is aboard with a human companion, Pietro.
Roscuro is mesmerized by the aroma of soup being prepared in the castle's kitchens and he escapes Pietro to find the source. In doing so, he finds the castle banquet room and falls into the Queen's soup after she takes the first bite. The Queen then has a heart attack falls headfirst on her soup bowl and eventually drowns with no one noticing. Meanwhile, Roscuro is being chased about the castle. The chase finally ends when Roscuro falls into a vent and plunges into the dungeons.
The king in his grief orders soup to be forbidden and rats banished, and the town falls into eternal darkness and famine. Roscuro meanwhile, meets Botticelli the brutal leader of the rat world.
A few years later, an adventurous mouse, Despereaux is born, and becomes friends with the lonely Princess Pea. Upon finding out that Despereaux has broken the law by speaking with a human; the Mouse Council banishes him to the dungeons, from where he is saved by Roscuro. Despereaux tells Roscuro of the princess's gloom, which touches the rat.
Roscuro approaches the princess to apologize, but she is terrified of him and he is chased out. Hurt, he decides to kidnap the princess. He enlists the help of a servant girl, Miggery Sow, whom he later double crosses, and locks in a cell.
Meanwhile, Despereaux realizes that the princess is in danger. Back in the rat colony, Roscuro sees the apologetic sincerity in Pea's eyes and regrets his actions, but is unable to stop the rats, to whom he has given her, from clambering over her. Here Despereaux comes to the rescue, letting loose a cat. Roscuro causes Botticelli to run into the cat's cage for a fatal end. The battle over, he finally apologizes, and is forgiven.
In the end, Mig is rescued by the jailer, who is revealed to be her father, and Roscuro is reunited with Pietro. The princess and the king decide to soothe their grief by relying on each other for support. Despereaux, reunited with his family, remains close friends with the princess.
This is really a quite good movie with a great voice cast; Dustin Hoffman as Rescuro, Emma Watson as Princess Pea, Kevin Kline as Chef André, Christopher Lloyd and Hovis and MANY more. The movie in itself is a “true” fairytale. And the characters made for this movie are really well made. Sure you can see that this is not a movie made with the same budget as perhaps a Disney Movie, but still it is really well made and a really nice little story. The movie is based on a book written by Kate DiCamillo and I highly recommend that you either read or see this lovely little movie. The characters, music, story and scenarios are worth looking and listening to and worth noticing.