onsdag den 28. december 2011

Ye old yule tide.

Christmas is over soon and a new year is just around the corner.
it's now that we have the time to look back at this year and really think of what we have done for ourselves and for others be it friends, foes, family, colleagues or acquaintances but it is also time to reflect upon good and bad things this year has brought with it and to convert it to somthing useful that will be used as a valuable lessons which we will use in the new year.
What does a new year bring? New opportinities, new experience new journeys and memories to be remebered, new conflicst that will teach us more about ourselves and a new an clean lookout in how to deal upcomming obstacles.
I myself have learned alot about me as a person this year and a lot has happend to me.
A dear friend of mine moved to Ireland to start a new life.
I've been together with my hubby for 7 years now.
I've made new friends.
I've tried working as a baker for a short period.
I've bencome more confident with myself and how I deal with my problems.
I've finally defeted my angts and fear of my own immortality.
And for the first time ever, since I moved out of the periode of being a teenager to becomming a young adult, do I feel grown up and mature.
Sure I may not own my own house, car, have children a job nor be married, but I feel mature and like I am an adult. I am not scared of it but I am happy for it.
I am looking foward to the new year and what it might bring and I will try my best to do what I can, as a mre human being, to become a better person, and to strive to reach my goals for this year.

My goals are:
Be a better friend.
Be a better sister.
Rethink a new way to make myself more attrative on the jobmarket.
Lose the last kilos of fat.
Become healthier.
Visit or at least talk more with my dad.
Start saving for a vacation with me and my hubby.
Keep practicing mathematics.
Do more for myself as a lolita.
Practice more on my drawing.
Try to learn how to sew.
Buy my christmas presents EARLY!
Do more for my blog.
Spend more time with my hubby (go for some walks, trips to the cinema, picnics ect)

I hope this year has brought you a loot of stuff to think about and a lot of joy, and I hope you will all have a happy new year and come through it with both eyes and fingers intact :)

Happy new Year guys, and take care of each other.

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